Oral Cancer Screening

Every time we provide care, we’re observing many different aspects of your overall health. Most people are surprised at the large amount of surface area that lines the mouth. While this lining repairs itself quickly, it is susceptible to changes that may require monitoring or further evaluation. This is where our oral cancer dentist screening comes in.

Oral cancer can afflict anyone, although tobacco users put themselves at significantly higher risk than non-users. Chewing tobacco contains up to 3000 different chemicals, including the same compounds used in pesticides and embalming fluid. Cellular changes below the surface aren’t always detectable until they’ve advanced to a critical stage.

woman in black shirt looking at a computer screen with a human brain on it
woman in a dental chair with a patient looking at a monitor

However, early detection and treatment of oral cancer significantly increase the chance of a positive outcome. The American Cancer Society reports that about 7,000 deaths result from oral cancer out of 30,000 cases diagnosed annually. If we suspect any unusual changes in your mouth tissue, we may suggest a biopsy and microscopic analysis by a qualified lab.

Many other non-cancerous changes can occur in your mouth’s tissue, from oral warts to autoimmune lesions. No need to search for an oral cancer screening near you – our dentists draw on their background in oral pathology to determine if any abnormalities should be removed or simply monitored.

As a side note, we understand tobacco holds powerful addictive powers over many health-conscious people. If you’re determined to quit, we want to be a supportive partner in your efforts. Talk to your hygienist or one of our talented dentists about strategies and resources for kicking the habit.


Your experience matters. Explore our patients’ testimonials and see why we’re their first choice in dental care.

a blue shield with two white speech bubbles on it

“Best dental experience ever! Everyone is so sweet, caring and incredibly knowledgeable and confident. I was super nervous about going to dentist after not having gone for awhile but as soon as stepped into the studio I felt like I was in good, loving hands and had nothing to worry about! Everyone is so great about creating a calm and friendly experience:) Dr. Livingston is the best!”

Becca B

a blue shield with two white speech bubbles on it

“It’s a friendly, welcoming and stress free environment. From the candle in the reception area to the windows in the treatment rooms looking out on a garden, it feels very non-dentist like, which is actually a good thing. They addressed the issue I had come in for and didn’t try to upsell me on other unnecessary treatments. I actually found a dentist’s office that I like!”

Rhonda H

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an oral cancer screening​?

Your dentist will check your mouth and throat for any signs of oral cancer. This includes the gums, tongue, insides of the cheeks, and tonsils. Like other types of cancer, catching oral cancer early and starting treatment increases your chance of a positive outcome. Your dentist will check everything using a light, mirror, and tongue depressor, searching for any abnormalities.

At Shoreline Dental Studio, your family dentist will complete this screening as a part of your regular checkup. This check can also be done by a medical doctor.

Everyone over the age of 20 should be screened every three years. Once you’re over 40, the screenings become an annual part of your checkup.

Yes, everyone should get checked regularly. If you have any family history or risk factors like tobacco usage, heavy drinking, or human papillomavirus (HPV), you can request annual checkups at any age.

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