Blog / General

Whether you are traveling abroad or taking a road trip this summer, it is essential to take care of your

It might seem like brushing and flossing should be all you need to do to keep your teeth in top

Spring has finally arrived and ushered in warmer temperatures. The trees are budding, the birds are singing, and the flowers

It’s that time of year again! Say hello to wearing green clothes, eating corned beef and cabbage, and even drinking

Ah, the holidays. They remind us of laughing with family and friends, the smell of pine trees, and stuffing our

Hey you, hiding in the back row during family pictures! It’s time to reassess your smile opportunities this holiday season!

We’ve got some exciting news here at Shoreline Dental Studio! Thanks to our amazing patients, we’ve been able to expand

It’s that time of year again when friends and families come together, camera ready to document the festivities about to

Ever wonder how people used to clean their teeth? We can’t even imagine what it would be like without our

Trick-or-Treat! It’s that time of year again and while your children may be anxious to fill their buckets to the