If the thought of visiting the dentist makes you anxious, you are not alone. At our office we understand your concerns and take every step to ensure that patients feel comfortable and relaxed at our office. Our staff is professionally trained to help put the patient at ease.
For some patients this is achieved in the little things we offer, be it through headphones and relaxing music, a warm towelette or a blanket and pillow. But for others patients we have more comprehensive clinical options.

About 15% of the population suffers from ‘extreme dental anxiety,’ and 40% of people say they visit the dentist only when driven there by severe pain. For those patients we have equipped the office to offer Oral Conscious Sedation medications to help the patient “sleep” though their appointment.

blond woman with a smile on her face standing in front of a fence
DOCS Education Kristen Ritzau Dentist San Clemente

Dr. Ritzau has been formally licensed to offer conscious sedation through her work with DOCS Education, and has been offering sleep dentistry for the past 3 years and done over 100 sedation cases.

Concious sedation is achieved through the oral intake of small doses of prescription medication causing the patient to become drowsy and relaxed. And while the patient are not in a state of complete “sleep,” most all patients state after the fact that they have few memories from their appointment.

We are also fully equipped to offer laughing gas as another alternative to help patients feel comfortable and relaxed.

It is our hope and goal that fear and anxiety would not inhibit patients from seeking treatment and we will make every accommodation necessary and work in concert with the patient to understand their needs and goals in mind.

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Shoreline Dental Studio